Helping a UHNW Couple Resolve Money Conflicts for a Thriving Family Office and Relationship

When two individually wealthy people married, financial conflicts threatened to tear them apart. The UHNW couple’s different views about wealth, spending, and financial values created stress in the marriage. Money, instead of providing security, drove insecurity and disagreements. The family office was in disarray.

Khanna worked with the couple

·         Mediated marital conflict resolution discussions to align both partners around finances, responsibilities and boundaries

·         Helped both partners establish an agreement around priorities and equitable distribution of expenses

·         Enrolled the partners in financial literacy training

·         Developed a process for approaching mutual wealth planning and family office operations

With money no longer a source of daily conflict, the couple’s relationship flourished. Each became more confident, better able to communicate about money and values, and could work together in a solidly performing family office. With increased trust, the couple drastically reduced their stress levels and now enjoy their good fortune.